Chapter I/2: Pathological aspects of hepatic cirrhosis, multiple hepatocellular carcinoma, and umbilical metastases, I/2.2: Description of the specimen


Chapter I/2: Pathological aspects of hepatic cirrhosis, multiple hepatocellular carcinoma, and umbilical metastases

Tibor Glasz

I/2.1: Main data of the presented specimen case


Patient’s age:

54 év

Patient’s sex:


Baseline pathological disease:

Hepatic cirrhosis

Pathological complication:

Malignant primary multilocular hepatic neoplasm (hepatocellular carcinoma)

Pathological complication:

Abdominal wall metastasis

Pathological complication:

Portal hypertension

Pathological cause of death:

Vascular and parenchymal hepatic decompensation

Histopathological diagnosis:

Hepatocellular carcinoma

I/2.2: Description of the specimen


A … x … x … cm liver with bumpy and uneven capsule on its surface. The parenchyma shows mixed nodular pseudolobular remodellation on the cut surface. There are two round, greenish-yellow primary hepatic tumor nodules measuring … cm at the …. The sickle-shaped (falciform) ligament which is attached to the liver, leads to a round metastatic tumor nodule in the abdominal wall, measuring … cm, and surrounded by striated muscle fibers and fat tissue. The portal structures are intact, and the portal vein is dilated.


Study the images, and analyze what you see!

1 foto: Umbilikális és multiplex máj metastasisok I.
2. fotó: Umbilikális és multiplex máj metastasisok II.
3. fotó: Umbilikális és multiplex máj metastasisok III
Utolsó módosítás: 2014. May 5., Monday, 08:46