I./3.2.: Ultrasound – US
Based on observations it is possible to distinguish compensated cirrhosis and Chronic Hepatitis C using Doppler ultrasound. After registering some lesions in the liver parenchyma, suspicion of cirrhosis may be settled by Doppler ultrasound of the portal vein, hepatic artery and its branches, and hepatic veins as well via an experienced radiologist, as well as based on investigational data using different calculations. It is important to underline that only biopsy can provide a sure diagnosis, even sometimes it underestimates the extent of cirrhosis. Flow parameters can be detected usually well by US and MRI examinations, but the values measured by US are less decisive than MR values in the detection of portal hypertension caused by cirrhosis.
Sonoelastography is a newer, yet adequatly not widespread method. Using this method, the transducer will be squeezed (pressed) through the abdominal wall onto the liver, and the compressibility/tenseness is marked by different colours. Originally this method was used to detect inflammations and tumours, as well as to distinguish benignity and malignity. This method proves to be promising in the investigation of liver elasticity as well. It might be also important e.g. in the detection of recurrent HCV hepatitis of transplanted patients.
Last modified: Wednesday, 12 February 2014, 8:34 AM