Chapter II./1.: Learning unit: Diverticulosis - Anatomy
II. Learning unit: Diverticulosis
Objectives and Competencies
The curriculum covers clinico-pathological implications of diverticulosis in multidisciplinary environment. The anatomic chapter describes general characteristics, histology, and regional anatomical environments. The pathology chapter describes evolution types and characteristics of diverticulosis and colon diverticulosis. Students may study ileus the most sever complication of the diverticulosis. The radiology chapter introduces imaging modalities used to examine morphological alterations of diverticulosis, such as X-ray, ultrasound and CT. The clinical chapter describes epidemiology, clinical course, symptomatology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of in an environment enriched with illustrations photos and tables.
II./1.: Anatomy
Altdorfer Károly
The chapter structure
II./1.1.1.: General characteristics
II./1.1.2.: Coecum
II./1.1.3.: Appendix (vermiform appendix, vermiform process)
II./1.1.4.: Ascending colon
II./1.1.5.: Right colic flexure (hepatic flexure)
II./1.1.6.: Transverse colon
II./1.1.7.: Left colic flexure (splenic flexure)
II./1.1.8.: Descending colon
II./1.1.9.: Sigmoid colon
II./1.1.10.: Rectum
II./1.1.11.: The arterial blood supply of the large intestine
II./1.1.12.: The venous drainage of the large intestine
II./1.1.13.: The lymphatic drainage of the large intestine
II./1.1.14.: The innervation of the large intestine
II./1.2.1.: General characteristics
II./1.2.2.: Tunica mucosa (mucous membrane)
II./1.2.3.: Tela submucosa
II./1.2.4.: Tunica muscularis propria
II./1.2.5.: Tela subserosa
II./1.2.6.: Tunica serosa
II./1.3.: Regional histological characteristics
Szentágothai-Réthelyi: Funkcionális anatómia II. – Medicina, Budapest 2002.
Vígh: Szisztémás anatómia. Rendszeres orvosi bonctan. Alliter Bp. 2005.
Szél: Klinikai anatómia, SE Képzéskutató Központ, 1999
Sadler: Langman Orvosi embryológia – Medicina 1999. / Langman's Medical Embryology, 11th ed.
Tömböl Teréz: Tájanatómia - Medicina 2001
Röhlich: Szövettan -Semmelweis Kiadó és Multimédia Stúdió, 2006.
Moore: Clinically Oriented Anatomy - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
Last modified: Monday, 28 April 2014, 3:08 PM