Chapter III./3.: Radiologic aspects of GIST


Chapter III./3.: Radiologic aspects of GIST

Kinga Karlinger

III./3.1.: Introduction


Detecting GIST tumors by radiological methods is not always easy, especially if the tumor is small. Although the tumor size accounts for a prognostic factor , as known, tumor size is not an indicator of malignancy, even so larger tumors are more often malignant. Radiological imaging is not a first-line choice, since gastroscopy is recommended as the first examination in suspicion of a gastric disorder. Symptomfree appearence rearly indicates gastroscopy, however – rather as an incidental finding – a very tiny GIST can be sometimes detected.

The chapter structure


III./3.1.: Introduction

III./3.2.: Ultrasound – US

III./3.3.: Computed tomography – CT

III./3.4.: Magnetic resonance imaging – MR

III./3.5.: Positron emission tomography – PET

III./3.6.: Angiography

III./3.7.: Therapy monitoring with imaging methods

III./3.8.: Take home messages



Last modified: Monday, 5 May 2014, 9:13 AM