III./3.8.: Take home messages


III./3.8.: Take home messages

  • - Transverse imaging methods (US, CT, MR, PET) are suitable for the detection of the local infiltrative propagation of GIST.

  • - GIST does not give metastases to the local lymph nodes via the lymphatic system.

  • - MR imaging is very well applicable in GIST diagnostics due to its excellent tissue differentiation ability especially with contrast administration.

  • - By contrast administration, solid (enhances the contrast due to viability and vessels) and necrotic (since avital, does not contrain vessels and thus non enhancing) parts can be differentiated from each other, thus viable part of the tumor can be determinated.

  • - Therapy efficacy monitoring is possible by using the Choi criteria.

Last modified: Monday, 3 March 2014, 10:42 AM