Chapter II./2:Pathological implications of diverticulosis
Chapter II./2:Pathological implications of diverticulosis
Tibor Glasz
The chapter structure
II./2.2.: Description of dissection
II./2.4.: Intestinal obstruction (ileus)
II./2.4.1.: General information
II./2.4.2.: Mechanic (obstructive) ileus
II./2.4.3.: Paralytic ileus
II./2.4.4.: Vascular ileus
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Rosai J: Gastrointestinal tract – Large bowel. In: Rosai and Ackerman’s Surgical Pathology. Szerk.: Rosai J. Mosby 2011; ISBN-13: 9780323069694; pp. 731-803.
Utolsó módosítás: 2014. April 28., Monday, 15:11