II./2.1.: Main case characteristics of the presented dissection, II./2.2.: Description of dissection


II./2.1.: Main case characteristics of the presented dissection

Age of patient:

78 years

Sex of patient:


Main pathological diagnosis:

Infarctus myocardii subacutus transmuralis parietis posterioris

Pathological complication:

Pneumonia hypostatica lateris utriusque

Pathological cause of death:

Infarctus myocardii acutus transmuralis parietis anterioris

Pathological co-occurent disease:

Diverticulosis coli

II./2.2.: Description of dissection


A 43 cm-long colon stretch with intact mucosa, showing several saccular diverticuli of the size of a pea, appearing in rope-like positions.

. The diverticuli has only mucosal wall, the other layers of the colonic wall are missing. The colonic lumen is dilated, the colonic wall is slightly thickened.

Utolsó módosítás: 2014. April 4., Friday, 10:32