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Urogenital disorders
I. Complex urologic malformations
II. Grave uterine myomatosis
III. Testicular hydrocele
IV. Puerperal uterus/puerperal fever
Téma 5
Urogenital disorders
Faculty of Medicine
Optional courses
Urogenital disorders
I. Complex urologic malformations
Chapter I./2.: PATHOLOGICAL relations of complex urinary deformations
Chapter I./2.: Pathological relations of complex urinary
Tibor Glasz
The chapter structure
I./2.1.: Main data of the presented preparation
I./2.2.: Description of the preparation
I./2.3.: Complex urological deformations, related abnormalities
I./2.3.1.: Sacculated kidney
(hydronephros, hydronephrosis)
Urinary reflux and its complications (
I./ Acute p
yelonephritis (
acute bacterial tubulointerstitial nephritis)
I./ Acute apostematous p
I./ Acute
I./ Chronic p
Pyelonephritis xanthogranulomatosa
End-stage kidney and renal failure (renal insufficiency)
Hypertensive disorder
(high blood pressure, hypertension)
Divided kidney (kidney divisum), double renal pelvis and ureter (pyelon and ureter duplex)
Ureterocele and ureter prolapse
Hydrourterer, megaloureter
(nephrolithiasis, ureterolithiasis, vesicolithiasis, urolithiasis)
Tuberculosis of the kidney (renal tuberculosis)
I./2.5.: Nodular prostatic hyperplasia
B: A vese és a húgyutak patológiája. In: Patológia. Szerk.: Kopper L, Schaff Zs. Medicina, Budapest 2004; ISBN 963 242 920 6;
. 937-1010.
Z, Bodó M: A férfi nemi szervek patológiája. In: Patológia. Szerk.: Kopper L, Schaff Zs. Medicina, Budapest 2004; ISBN 963 242 920 6;
. 1015-1038.
NG, Rosai J: Urinary tract. In: Rosai and Ackerman’s Surgical Pathology. Szerk.: Rosai J. Mosby 2004; ISBN 032 301 342 2;
. 1163-1360.
J: Male reproductive system. In: Rosai and Ackerman’s Surgical Pathology. Szerk.: Rosai J. Mosby 2004; ISBN 032 301 342 2;
. 1361-1367.
F, Frang D, Magasi P, Pintér J: Urológia. Szerk.: Balogh F. Medicina Könyvkiadó, Budapest 1986; ISBN 963 241 265 6;
. 144-164.
J, Réthelyi M: Funkcionális anatómia, Medicina Budapest 1985, ISBN 963 241 229 x.
Utolsó módosítás: 2014. February 12., Wednesday, 09:21
◄ I./1.: Anatomy test
Chapter I./1.: Structure, ontogeny and developmental disorders of the kidney and the urinary passages
I./1.1.: Structural description of the kidney and the urinary passages
I./1.2.: Ontogeny of the uropoetic system and urinary passages
I./1.3.: Developmental disorders of the uropoetic system and urinary passages
I./1.: Anatomy test
I./2.1.: Main data of the presented preparation, I./2.2.: Description of the preparation
Case report
I./2.3.: Complex urological deformations, related abnormalities
I./2.4.: Tuberculosis of the kidney (renal tuberculosis) Mycobacteriumtuberculosis
I./2.5.: Nodular prostatic hyperplasia
I./2.: Pathology test
Chapter I./3.: RADIOLOGY aspects of complex urinary tract lesions; I./3.1.: Introduction to imaging methods in urology
I./3.2.: The analysis of the interpreted case in radiologic investigation’s workflow aspect
I./3.3.: Hydronephrosis in a radiologist point of view
I./3.4.: Take home messages
I./3.: Radiology test
Chapter I./4.: CLINICAL aspects of complex urologic malformations; I./4.1.: Introduction
I./4.2.: Double ureter and double renal pelvis, ureterolithiasis, megaloureter (ureterectasia) and partial hydronephrosis
I./4.3.: Ureterocele
I./4.4.: Exstrophy of the urinary bladder
I./4.: Clinical test
Chapter II./1.: Uterus,Fallopian tube and ovary
II./1.1.: Ovary
II./1.2.: Oviduct (Fallopian tube)
II./1.3.: Uterus (womb)
II./1.: Anatomy test
Chapter II./2.: Grave myomatosus uterus gravis – PATHOLOGICAL relations
II./2.1.: Main characteristics of the preparation, II./2.2.: Description of the preparation
Case report
II./2.3.: Myoma or myomatosis uteri
II./2.4.: Extrauterine visceral leiomyomata
II./2.: Pathology test
Chapter II./3.: RADIOLOGIC aspects of uterine fibroid; II./3.1.: Introduction
II./3.2.: Plain radiograph – X-Ray, II./3.3.: Transvaginal ultrasound – TVUS, II./3.4.: Computed tomography – CT
II./3.5.: Magnetic resonance imaging – MR
II./3.6.: Therapy performed by the radiologist (interventions)
II./3.7.: Differential diagnosis
II./3.8.: Take home messages
II./3.: Radiology test
Chapter II./4.: CLINICAL aspects of Uterus myomatosus gravis
II./4.1.: Epidemiology
II./4.2.: Symptoms
II./4.3.: Course of the disease
II./4.4.: Diagnostics beside imaging, II./4.5.: Differential diagnosis
II./4.6.: Therapy
II./4.:Clinical test
Chapter III./1.: ANATOMY of the testis, its appandages and coverings
III./1.1.: Testis (orchis)
III./1.2.: Epididymis
III./1.3.: Ductus or vas deferens
III./1.4.: Spermatic cord
III./1.5.: Coverings of the testis
III./1.6.: The inguinal canal
III./1.:Anatomy test
Chapter III./2.: PATHOLOHICAL relations of hydrocele testis
III./2.1.: Main data of the presented preparation, III./2.2.: Description of the preparation
Case report
III./2.3.: Hydrocele testis and other related malformations
III./2.4.: Escherichia coli, the most important pathogen of infectious peritonitis
III./2.:Pathology test
Chapter III./3.: RADIOLOGIC aspects of hydrocele testis; III./3.1.: Introduction
III./3.2.: Ultrasound (US) examination of the testes
III./3.3.: Magnetic resonance (MR) examination of the testes
III./3.4.: Thermographic examination of the testes, III./3.5.: Primarily choosable imaging methods in case of hydrocele
III./3.6.: Differential diagnosis
III./3.7.: Take home messages
III./3.:Radiology test
Chapter III./4: CLINICAL aspects of hydrocele testis
III./4.1.: Epidemiology, etiology, III./4.2.: Symptomatology
III./4.3.: Diagnostics beyond imaging
III./4.4.: Differential diagnosis
III./4.5.: Therapy
III./4.:Clinical test
Chapter IV./1.: Microscopical anatomy of uterus, and histological changes due to the menstrual cycle
IV./1.1.: Histological structure
IV./1.2.: Cyclic changes of endometrial histology
IV./1.3.: Structure of the other parts of the uterine body
IV./1.4.: Microscopical anatomy of the Fallopian tube, and histological changes due to the menstrual cycle
IV./1.:Anatomy test
Chapter IV./2.: PATHOLOGICAL relations of puerperal uterus/puerperal fever
IV./2.1.: Main data of the presented preparation, IV./2.2.: Description of the preparation
Case report
IV./2.3.: Puerperal uterus – puerperal fever
IV./2.4.: Common causes of childbed fever: Streptococci
IV./2.:Pathology test
Chapter IV./3.: RADIOLOGIC aspects of puerperal uterus / puerperal fever/ ; IV./3.1.: Introduction
IV./3.2.: Transvaginal ultrasound examination – US (TVUS)
IV./3.3.: Magnetic resonance examination – MR
IV./3.4.: Postpartum uterus vs. endometritis
IV./3.5.: Take home messages
IV./3.:Radiology test
Chapter IV./4.: CLINICAL considerations of puerperal fever and puerperal sepsis
IV./4.1.: Epidemiology
IV./4.2.: Symptoms
IV./4.3.: Course of the disease
IV./4.4.: Diagnostics beside imaging, IV./4.5.: Differential diagnosis
IV./4.6.: Therapy
IV./4.:Clinical test
I./2.1.: Main data of the presented preparation, I./2.2.: Description of the preparation ►