Chapter I./4.: CLINICAL aspects of complex urologic malformations; I./4.1.: Introduction
Chapter I./4.: Clinical aspects of complex urologic malformations
Szendrői Attila
I./4.1.: Introduction
Although the genitourinary organs represent only 1 to 2% of the whole body’s mass, even so they are affected by approx. 40 to 60% of the malformations. Malformations of the urinary tract are often multiple and they cause sometimes no symptoms; they are revealed by ultrasound or other imaging examinations performed with a different purpose. It is important to recognize them in time, as a permanent impairment of the urologic organs that may affect not only the patients’ quality of life, but occasionally also their life expectancy can be avoided often only with the help of a timely correction.
The chapter structure
I./4.1.: Introduction
I./4.2.: Double ureter and double renal pelvis, ureterolithiasis, megaloureter (ureterectasia) and partial hydronephrosis