Chapter II./3.: Radiologic aspects of uterine fibroid
Kinga Karlinger
II./3.1.: Introduction
The benign, smooth muscle containing, sharply contoured tumor consists of many fibrotic elements (its name is fibroid in the Anglo-Saxon's literature). It might contain degeneratíve necrotic elements, cysts, calcifications and even a pseudocapsule.
Different locations are classified as follows: submucosal, intramural, subserosal, intraligamental,cervical.
The chapter structure
II./3.1.: Introduction
II./3.2.: Plain radiograph – X-Ray
II./3.3.: Transvaginal ultrasound – TVUS
II./3.4.: Computed tomography – CT
II./3.5.: Magnetic resonance imaging – MR
II./3.6.: Therapy performed by the radiologist (interventions)
II./3.7.: Differential diagnosis
II./3.8.: Take home messages
Utolsó módosítás: 2014. February 12., Wednesday, 10:04