
II./3.2.: Plain radiograph – X-Ray

Only indirect signs of the exteremely big uterine fibroids can be seen by X-Ray (it causes impressions on the sorrounding organs, furthermore, camber on the contour of the full bladder). In case of extensive calcifications in the uterine fibroid, uterine fibroid might be suspected based on its location.

II./3.3.: Transvaginal ultrasoundTVUS

Uterine fibroid occurs in maternal (reproductive) aged women usually (uterine fibroid also occurs in elderly women, but it does not formated newly, in fact functional ovary is needed for uterine fibroid' growth). Ultrasound is the preferred examination method in case of each pelvical symptoms, because there is no radiation exposure, it is also easily accessible and cheap method as well. The transvaginal method is more informative, especially in case of obese ladies. UH image: hypoechoic, circumscribed space occupying lesion with hyperreflections due to calcifications (+ typical acoustic shadow).

II./3.4.: Computed tomography – CT

Accordingly to the above mentioned localisations, hypodense space occupying lesions can be seen. If it is necrotised, deeper hypodensities and contrast enhancement drop-off is visualized. In case of calcifications, rugged hypodensities can be observed.

Utolsó módosítás: 2014. February 12., Wednesday, 10:08