II./3.6.: Therapy performed by the radiologist (interventions)
Intraarterial embolisation (microspheres): UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolisation), UAE (Uterine Arterial Embolisation). It might be bilateral, however, in case of difficulties, it might be also unilateral. Following myoma embolisation, blood supply of the uterus should be also preserved.
- severe symotoms decreasing quality of life in menopause and postmenopause,
- recidivant myomas following other, not amputating interventions.
- myoma with rapid growth,
- suspect of malignancy (if no histological sampling to determinate the dignity was performed),
- subserous myoma,
- pedunculated myoma,
- submucous myoma (especially if polypoid),
- infected uterus, uroinfection.
MRI guidance (MrgFUS) and focused ultrasound beam guidance is also achievable in myoma ablation, furthermore, RF (radiofrequency) ablation is also available (see there.).
Utolsó módosítás: 2014. February 12., Wednesday, 10:09