Chapter III./1.: ANATOMY of the testis, its appandages and coverings
III. Learning unit: Testicular hydrocele
Objectives and competencies
This syllabus covers clinico-pathological relevancies of testicular hydrocele in multidisciplinary approach. Macro- and microscopic features of the testicles the spermatic cord the epididymis the ductus deferens and the spermatic cord are described in the anatomical chapter. Students may learn disorders and types of hydrocele and their general characteristics in the pathological chapter. Distinctive radiological features of testicular hydrocele on imaging studies such as US, MRI and thermography are described with differential diagnosis of the disease at the radiology chapter. The clinical chapter introduces epidemiology, etiology, clinical course, symptomatology, diagnosis, and treatment options of the diseases in multimedia enhanced settings with illustrations photos and tables.
III./1.: Anatomy of the testis, its appandages and coverings