III./3.2.: Ultrasound (US) examination of the testes
III./3.2.: Ultrasound (US) examination of the testes
III./3.2.1.: Technical considerations
Special attention must be paid to the patient's position and comfort at the investigation of this especially sensitive area and possible painkilling can be prepared as well. At the imaging of tiny, closely located structures broadband, 7,5-10. MHz probe is used. Spectral and Power Doppler are not superfluous. First the intact side is examined in two planes (longitudinal and transversal planes), then the affected side.
III./3.2.2.: Echogeneicity features
Testis is visualized in conjunction with the epididymides, judgment of the echogeneicity and vascularity is important. To detect flow, mediastinum testis is used as a point of reference. Echogeneicity of the testis is compared with the thyroid gland, but it is smoother compared to the thyroid gland. Echogeneicity of the epididymis is similar or a bit higher than one of the testis. Mediastinum testis can be visualized as a narrow, linear ligament in craniocaudal direction, parallel to the epididymis. Appendix testis and appendix epididymis are tiny, hyperechogenic protrusions on the superior pole of the testis – usually below the head of the epididymis. Best seen in case of small fluid accumulation (hydrocele) since the hypoechogenic fluid frames these reflective lesions well. Corda spermatica can be visualized as a longitudinal multiple hypoechogenic structure in longitudinal plane whileas as circular, hypoechogenic structure in transversal plane.