
I./2.1.: Main case data of the presented dissection

Age of the patient:

4 days

Gender of the patient:


Basic pathology:

Metabolic dysfunction (respiration chain disease)

Pathological complication:

Dilatative Cardiopathy

Pathological complication:

Hyperaemia passiva organorum internorum omnium

Pathological cause of death:

Decompensatio cardialis acuta

Incidental autopsy finding:

Ren soleiformis seu arcuatus

I./2.2.: Description of the dissection


Pelvic organs of a… g preterm female. Kidneys, forming a horseshoe, are connected to each other by their lower pole, with a thick bridge of renal parenchyma, their size is … cm. Their surface is irregularly tuberculated, rough, their shape is arcuated, only slightly similar to a bean, shows irregularities in some parts: at the lower pole of the left kidney there is a short, tail-like parenchyma-extension. On the cut-surface, the kidney parenchyma is dark purple, congestive. The adrenal glands are … cm, they form a cap-like cover on the upper pole of the kidneys, and they surround almost all the upper third of the kidneys, age-appropriately.

Renal hilums, facing toward each other, are left by two ureters, with normal cross-sectional size, and crossing the transverse parenchyma-bridge in front, while running towards the urinary bladder. The ureters perforate the wall of the urinary bladder in a regular place and angle, they open to the cavity of the bladder on the top of the trigonum, through orifices in regular position. The bladder is medium large, mucosal lining is wrinkled, its lower outlet is a regular urethra. To its upper end, facing toward the umbilicus, the remainder trunk of the umbilical artery arrives, and divides into two mirroring branches here, running downward, along the side of the bladder, and shortly they by-pass the adnexa of uterus from below, and go on behindhand to turn obliquely upwards. They join the arteriae iliacae (aa. iliacae), that are just passing there, not far below the aortic bifurcation.

Shortly above the bifurcation, one medium size renal artery branches directly from the aorta, in the midline, anteriorly, and immediately turns upward, arriving from below to the parenchyma-bridge connecting the kidneys, into which it immerses without any hilus. Originating from the lower third of the bladder, peritoneum goes behind, covering the block of internal genitalia and joining the rectum posteriorly. Internal genitalia include a regular, age-appropriate, … cm uterus, and .... cm, regular adnexa of uterus branching in two directions. At the perineal region antero-posteriorly regular and separated orifices of the urthera, the vagina, and the rectum can be identified, respectively.

Utolsó módosítás: 2014. February 11., Tuesday, 15:24