Chapter I./1.: Structure, ontogeny and developmental disorders of the kidney and the urinary passages


I. Learning unit: Complex urologic malformations  

Objectives and competencies

This syllabus covers clinico-pathological relevancies of a complex urological disorder (ureter duplex) in multidisciplinary approach. The anatomical chapter describes structure ontogenesis and developmental anomalies of urinary secretion and the urinary tract. The pathological chapter introduces various urological disorders and associated pathologies. The radiological chapter presents imaging modalities such as X-ray, ultrasound, retrograde ureter-pyelography, MCU CT, MRI, DSA used for diagnosis and summarizes radiological implications of hydronephrosis. The clinical chapter introduces epidemiology, etiology, clinical course, symptomatology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment modalities of complex urological disorders in multimedia enhanced environment with illustrations photos and tables.

I./1. chapter: Structure, ontogeny and developmental disorders of the kidney and the urinary passages

Nándor Nagy

The chapter structure




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Utolsó módosítás: 2014. April 29., Tuesday, 10:23