Chapter II./1.: Uterus,Fallopian tube and ovary


II. Learning unit: Grave uterine myomatosis

Objectives and competencies

This syllabus covers clinico-pathological relevancies of uterine myomas and grave uterine myomatosis in multidisciplinary approach. General characteristics and structure of the uterus the Fallopian tube and the ovary are described in the anatomical chapter. Students may learn etiologic factors of extra uterine visceral myoma development their incidence and location in the pathological chapter. Distinctive radiological features of myomas on imaging studies such as CT MRI and ultrasound are discussed at the radiology chapter. The clinical chapter introduces epidemiology, etiology, clinical course, symptomatology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment options of uterine myomatosis in multimedia enhanced environment with illustrations photos and tables. `

II./1. Chapter: Uterus,Fallopian tube and ovary

by Zsolt Fejér

The chapter structure

  • II./1.1.: Ovary

  • II./1.2.: Oviduct (Fallopian tube)

  • II./1.3.: Uterus (womb)



Szentágothai-Réthelyi: Funkcionális anatómia II. – Medicina, Budapest 2002.

Vígh: Szisztémás anatómia. Rendszeres orvosi bonctan. Alliter Bp. 2005.

Szél: Klinikai anatómia, 1999.

Tömböl Teréz: Tájanatómia - Medicina 2001.

Schiebler, Schmidt: Anatomie – Springer 1991.

Gray’s Anatomy – Elsevier 2005

Utolsó módosítás: 2014. April 29., Tuesday, 10:22