Chapter III./2.: Pathological implications of GIST
Tibor Glasz
The chapter structure
III./2.2.: Description of dissection
III./2.3.: Characteristics of GIST’s
III./2.3.1.: Definitions, introduction
III./2.3.2.: Epidemiology
III./2.3.3.: Appearance forms, dignity types
III./2.3.4.: Location of metastasis
III./2.3.5.: Macroscopic characteristics
III./2.3.6.: Microscopic characteristics
III./2.3.7.: Immunreactivity
III./2.3.9.: Molecular genetic background
III./2.3.10.: Group of c-kit/CD117-negative GIST’s
III./2.3.11.: Familiar GIST and other GIST-syndromes
III./2.3.12.: Childhood GIST
III./2.3.13.: Risk stratification of primary GIST’s
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