Chapter IV./3.: Radiologic aspects of puerperal uterus / puerperal fever/
Kinga Karlinger
IV./3.1.: Introduction
Uterine mucosa demonstrates a very variable picture on the course of life. Differently appears during menarche, in reproductive age (changes according to the cycle), and in postmenopause. Inflammation in the uterus and processes, which are similar in imaging appearence but must be distinguished, can be caused by hydrocolpos and hydrometrocolpos in infancy/adolescence, intrauterine contraceptive devices in reproductive age, and the remained placenta parts after delivery. In adulthood, size of the uterus is appr. 5x5 cm, thickness is 2 cm. Available imaging diagnostic devices: abdominal, transvaginal and intracavital US, endoscopy, MRI, hysterosalpyngography, MDCT. Excellent diagnostic methods are available for the imaging of the fine stratification of the uterine mucosa and the cyclical changes of the mucosa. This follow-up of the cyclus can be important in the morphological visualization of the reproductivity, e.g. on the course of artificial insemination.