Chapter IV./1.: Microscopical anatomy of uterus, and histological changes due to the menstrual cycle
IV. Learning unit: Puerperal uterus/puerperal fever
Objectives and competencies
This syllabus covers clinico-pathological relevancies of puerperal fever and puerperal uterine in multidisciplinary approach. Students may learn structure of the uterus, endometrium, histology the Fallopian tube and histological changes of the endometrium during menstrual cycle. The pathological chapter describes types of puerperal uterus and frequent pathogens associated with puerperal fever such as streptococci. The radiological chapter describes signal changes of the puerperal uterus on ultrasound, MRI, and CT imaging. The clinical chapter introduces epidemiology, clinical course, symptomatology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment options of the disease in multimedia enhanced environment with illustrations photos and tables.
Chapter IV./1.: Microscopical anatomy of uterus, and